The financial advantages of lowering CO2 emissions equal the cost of mitigation


We are a Carbon footprint consultancy; CO2 stays there for around 150 years once released into the atmosphere. This implies that the advantages of reducing CO2 emissions today will be spread over a century, with commensurate uncertainties over the benefits. The second unsettling reality is that if the Paris Agreement's target of limiting global warming to "well below two °C above pre-industrial levels" is to be achieved, the costs of reducing CO2 emissions must be borne immediately or shortly. Therefore, from the perspective of policymakers, nations are being asked to take the costs of lowering CO2 emissions today in exchange for advantages that, in many cases, may not materialize for many years.

As an expert Carbon footprint consultancy In Dubai, Taxpayers and major emitters today resist this. However, the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment recently published research titled Multiple benefits from climate change mitigation: By demonstrating the scope and variety of ancillary advantages that result from reducing emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, evaluating the data helps to dispel some of the doomsday math of climate change. The biggest of these auxiliary - or co- - benefits are imminent and will happen with a high degree of certainty, in contrast to the advantages of reducing emissions.

We believe as a Carbon footprint consultancy In UAE; the report examines the full range of potential co-benefits from reducing emissions, including a decrease in the harm caused by local air pollution, as well as the costs and benefits of carbon taxation on the economy as a whole, the effects on competitiveness, the creation of green jobs and innovations, energy efficiency improvements, and the management of short-lived climate pollutants. The control of air pollution, a severe concern to cities worldwide, is the largest of the significant, direct economic co-benefits from reducing CO2 emissions. We may view the co-benefits of climate change mitigation from a longer-term vantage point by evaluating climate models through the year 2040.

To help you as a Carbon footprint consultancy, the new Grantham Research Institute research evaluates the evidence that improving energy efficiency can also be a significant source of co-benefits in addition to CO2 mitigation via new energy technology. Energy cost savings from energy efficiency investments can help raise real GDP, assuming these investments are financially successful. Additionally, there are health advantages since enhancing energy efficiency results in less local air pollution and less reliance on fossil fuels.

Being a Carbon footprint consultancy In Dubai, Governments have typically chosen their investments in climate change mitigation purely based on the financial implications of reducing emissions. Benefits are minimized since most nations will only reap a small portion of the overall gains from addressing global pollution. Many abatement measures are, in terms of cost-benefit analysis, clearly in the nation's interest. This is evident by a broader view of benefits, including avoiding local air pollution harms. For investments in energy efficiency, the same results hold.


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