As an LEED Consultancy in Dubai, LEED, or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is the premier program for environmentally friendly structures and neighborhoods. An acknowledged pioneer in environmentally friendly building and design, LEED offers numerous advantages and has replaced other industry standards. With an estimated 20% of all new construction being LEED certified—a percentage increasing annually—green building and renovation are becoming a valuable asset in real estate, mainly when an institution owns or builds the development. So, where is the source of the value? The goal of sustainability is to improve the environment on a global scale, and LEED has been instrumental in promoting sustainable building and design. Buildings with LEED certification is more energy-efficient, have better indoor environmental quality, and produce less greenhouse gas emissions. By using 25% less energy and 11% less water, these developments also prioritize water conservation and energy efficiency, ultimately extending building lifespans and improving the environment.


We as an LEED Consultancy in UAE, reducing energy and water expenses can result in savings of up to 40%, which has a favorable influence on operating costs. Even though LEED constructions have numerous advantages, sustainability eventually impacts the neighborhood. LEED projects generate excellent publicity, develop strong relationships with community members, and support a flourishing environment. To take advantage of the benefits, people are flocking to LEED developments. Tenant space and LEED communities are becoming more popular, driving up demand and rent for both. LEED-certified buildings have demonstrated a higher average rent and a lower vacancy rate (4 percent lower than non-green properties) when compared to non-green properties, demonstrating the excellent demand for LEED buildings. Not only are LEED buildings in great demand but millennial workers are also drawn to them.

In our role as LEED Certification in Dubai, the younger generation is becoming more conscious of the environment, so they are focusing on sustainability while choosing their next business move. Because of this, many companies and organizations are now exclusively renting space in LEED-certified buildings to recruit younger talent and improve their reputation. LEED-certified buildings provide cleaner indoor environmental quality, enhancing occupant health. According to a study, employee productivity and health are also improved in LEED-certified tenant spaces; workers in these areas have a labor productivity rate that is 16 percent greater than in non-green facilities. Buildings can be retrofitted with water-efficient fixtures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 80,000 tons, improving interior and outdoor air quality. It should come as no surprise that many LEED-certified buildings are in the center of Colorado, with more than 15.6 billion square feet of LEED-certified building space worldwide.

We believe as a LEED Certification in UAE; The Denver International Airport (DIA) Hotel and Transit Center is a LEED-certified building situated on the outskirts of Denver. DIA aimed to save costs and resources while promoting sustainable energy that has a beneficial effect on residents. Sustainability is quickly rising to the top of organizational objectives, as evidenced by the many LEED-certified buildings that dot the globe. DIA was keen to capitalize on this trend. Every developer wants to make a difference in the community and the environment. LEED is the global benchmark for environmentally friendly construction and is gaining recognition worldwide. Considering that sustainability is quickly rising to the top of the international options, a developer would want to obtain LEED certification. LEED is a wise choice for every kind of development, and the advantages are increasingly showing themselves.


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