The advantages of having buildings certified internationally by LEED, BREEAM, and WELL


Agile Advisors, a leading LEED Certification in Dubai, my experience working on building certification projects for HPBS's international clients demonstrates these benefits. By employing this technique, you may present your company to investors as one that values strong corporate governance and the environment and provides comfortable working conditions for staff members. Class A buildings should be certified using the BREEAM or LEED systems. The classification of office buildings takes this proposal into account. Class A confirmation and various deductions are available during the certification process. Internationally accredited products have a higher market value and are more alluring as investments. One example is the St. Petersburg shopping center Gallery, which Morgan Stanley purchased for $1.1 billion in January 2012. With only a 2% rise in construction expenses, capitalization rose 24%.

Agile Advisors provides LEED Certification in UAE, Larger areas and extended rent periods are typical for certified structures, strengthening the object's resilience to tenant changes and disasters. These reasons contribute to such institutions' more constant cash flow in times of crisis and fluctuating market conditions. For instance, the MFC Komcity, attractive due to its interior arrangement and location, is situated in Rumyantsevo behind the MKAD and has received LEED Gold certification. A future-oriented product adjusted to contemporary circumstances results from using cutting-edge technology to certify objects by international standards. This process involves qualitative consideration of the environment and the problem. Studies have demonstrated that employees' labor productivity in LEED, BREEAM, and WELL buildings rises by 18% due to lower sick leave rates and higher internal environment quality, leading to increased efficiency.

We as a LEED Consultant in Agile Advisors, this is affected by well-maintained landscaping, pure air within the structure, wholesome food, and other things. International projects: IC Skolkovo, FIFA, Olympics, and EXPO must adhere to LEED or BREEAM standards. Studies have demonstrated that employees' labor productivity in LEED, BREEAM, and WELL buildings rises by 18% due to lower sick leave rates and higher internal environment quality, leading to increased efficiency. This is affected by well-maintained landscaping, pure air within the structure, wholesome food, and other things. International standards state that certified buildings have reduced running expenses and better indoor environments than non-certified ones. Many corporate, public, and individual buyers find them more appealing. Tenant or buyer decisions are increasingly based on the building's qualitative attributes.

As a LEED Consultancy, Buildings with LEED certification use 25% less energy and emit 34% fewer greenhouse gases on average. One of the multinational corporations' strategic objectives is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. WELL-certified buildings encourage a healthy lifestyle, extend life, improve job satisfaction, and offer remarkably healthy surroundings for building occupants. A computerized energy consumption model is created during the LEED building design process to help optimize energy costs. Demonstration of excellent energy efficiency is a prerequisite for obtaining LEED certification. The average energy consumption and operational cost reduction for LEED buildings are 25% and 19%, respectively. In addition to lessening the strain on the network, LEED-certified buildings can install dynamic load management. This saves you money connecting to electric networks and allows you to minimize peak power by up to 30%.


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